
What about real friendship?

March 21st  '13

Yesterday i realized that there aren't many people in the world
that have experienced real friendship.
They haven't had someone who's always been there for them.
Someone that hasn't let them down. Someone that shows them
love and appreciation. Or someone that carries their biggest secrets
with them. Someone that can be trusted and is reliable. Someone that
is interested in how their day went. And someone that really knows them.

I'm glad that God has blessed me with someone like that. And that he blessed
me with the opportunity to know someone like that. Cause now i can look back
and say that i've grown. Because He teached me to love the right way
through her friendship.
Some people will never know that kind of friendship and sadly enough some
people will never show that kind of friendship.

October 7th '13

I'll rather be vulnerable and afraid to lose our friendship then stay
guarded like i was before.
Thank you for accepting me with ALL my flaws and issues. Thank you for
not judging me. You're the first person that i can tell EVERYTHING.
(Seriously, you can't get outta this friendship anymore. You know too much.. )
If we can get through 2014 we can get through anything.
And i just know that we will get through it. Distance has nothing on us !
I know we're gonna be two grannies laughing and having the same funny, crazy

Love you booboo!

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