
Words of Gratitude

Hello beautiful youngsters.
It's almost summertime and that means
I'm turning back to my reggea/soul music
& work it in sum (flower)dresses with
my sunglasses on.
Eventhough i don't got the money yet,
i know the money is coming to me.
Cauz i've been called for jobs over
and over again this month.

First of all:
I thank God for blessing me and providing
for me all those times when i didn't had a job.
(The ppl who know me know how long i've been
unemployed and broke.) Eventhough i didn't
had the job or money i KNEW in my spirit that it
would come to me. And that's all what i need.
Cauz when you can see it in Spirit it already
has come to you. I promise you it'll work!!
So i dare you all, if you have sum you wanna
achieve you've to believe it and see it in spirit
and after that it's just a matter of time.

And eventhough being without a job at
the age of 17 is not a midlife crisis,
You've to know it begins with the little things.
And once you appreciate those little things,
the bigger things will find their way.
When God start blessing, it will be in abundance
and in the best way you could ever imagine.

So don't let obstacles stand in your way.
Know that you're much stronger than that.
Speak against your problems & speak only
good things over your life nd TRUST ME: You will succeed.
And don't forget to thank God for that.

Nothing comes to fast, It only comes with time.
Patience is what i need.

God is Love!

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