
When giving up is NOT an option

~  Febuary 4th 2014 ~

It's official!
Today i became the very official intern at the bank on Curaҫao! I'm so happy and excited. It has been a looonng journey. The struggle was so real guys. Ya’ll don't even know.

It started more than two months ago when i was standing on Dutch airport floors.
Here i was, waving my dear friends and family goodbye with a one-way ticket to Curaҫao in my hand. With two puffy red eyes (from all the crying) I disappeared behind custom gates facing an unknown destiny.

The funny thing is that when i stepped into that airplane I didn't even had an internship. But despite of that I was determined to go. I had been holding on to this dream for years, and I wasn’t willing to let it go.
So I worked my ass off for 2,3 months, packed my bags and bought my ticket. Some people thought i was crazy, but i didn't want to inhale any of their negativism, so i waved every remark away with a joke and a smile.
When i put my first step on Curaçao, i felt something in my spirit. I heard something inside me saying: “this is it! Things are going to be different from now on.”

I've had the wish to go to Curaçao for a very long time. For those that don't know, i was born and raised on this beautiful island. It has always been the place i call home and it's the place that i see my future.
An internship would be the perfect opportunity to experience a few months out of the rest of my future.
But in order to experience something I had to find an internship first.

So here I was searching for an internship. Filled with confidence, I continued my journey. I expected to succeed within a few weeks, but those weeks turned into 2 months of rejection and desperation. After these 2 months I got tired. I felt like I was doing something wrong. Suddenly I forgot about my inner voice and all the energy I put into this dream to work. I felt powerless and wanted to give up so bad. What more could I do?! I've searched, I've prayed, i've talked positive but it didn't feel like it was enough. I blamed myself for not doing more than I'd done. Filled with sadness, I battled the first tears and when I noticed I was going to lose, I walked up to a hill next to my house and just sat there. I started to weight out all the situations, to come to the conclusion that it was all worth it.
 "Don't give up till you have no choice but giving up," I heard myself thinking. So I dried my tears and thanked God for the internship He was going to give me. And then, ironically, the moment I walked of that hill my family screamed: "Where have you been all this time?! We have been searching for you. Somebody called you."
I called back and it turned out to be my aunt, who had found something for me. Right away I sent my letter of application, called the company, was invited for an interview and the rest was history.

At this moment I'm so happy! I'm so thankful. I couldn't come up with a better internship myself.
This struggle teached me that giving up is NOT AN OPTION! You give up when you have no choice but giving up. You fight till the very end for what you believe in. If God says it's yours, it's yours!
Know who you are, what you're worth and how much you're willing to fight for it. You can be mad or disappointed but don't let that influence the amount of effort you're putting into realizing your dream. It's okay to cry.  As long as you're getting yourself together at the end of the day. Everything will work out for your good!


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