
2 weeks in Barcelona

Hi guys!
It's that time of the year again that will cause the death of my social life : SCHOOL
Jep, the time has come for me to put my focus back on my education.
To be honest i'm kind of excited. This is my last year and i want to finish it with a bang!
I can't complain. I've had an amazing year.
I've lived 8 months on the beautiful Curacao and i just came back from a 2 week vacation in Barcelona. My vacation has been very good to me.
August has shown me so much love, art, inspiration and creativity. I'm ready to share all of this with the world.
Barcelona is a beautiful city with beautiful historic architecture.
I've been to museums, I've tasted great food and got to know a new culture.
I'm telling you, the travel life is the life i love to live!

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